Tuesday, March 19, 2013

DIY Felt & Tulle Headband


*Stencil (It does not need to be exact just a basic flower outline)


1. Trace and cut three flower designs on a piece of felt.
2. Cut a spiral in the middle of the flower starting from one corner of a petal into the middle.
3. Glue the outside/ beginning piece of your spiral.
4. Continue to glue and roll until it becomes a flower.
5. This step is optional. I wanted to add some color to mine, so I used a permanent marker and outlined the edges with purple.
6. Cut 4 pieces of tulle. I used a post it note for my template. (You will use 2 pieces for one flower.)
7. Put the 2 pieces of tulle together and from the middle pinch it together. I glued the bottom pinched part together so it would stay together.
8. Cut enough elastic to use for your head. Cut an additional small piece to wrap around the ends to glue together.
9. Cut out 3 felt circles.
10. Glue the flowers onto the top of the elastic, side by side.
11. Glue the felt circle pieces to the bottom of the elastic and flower.
12. Stretch the elastic until you see gaps in between the flowers. That is where you glue in the tulle flowers.

And then Voila! A beautiful handmade headband!

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